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Applying the log monitoring

The following guides you to the basic application method for using the WhaTap log monitoring service. WhaTap log monitoring does not require configuring additional agents or applying a parser according to the logs. A simple configuration gets you started quickly.

Operating principle of log monitoring

Operating principle of log monitoring

A typical log integration service consists of the collector, processor, repository, and UI module. The process of building each module is cumbersome and additional costs are incurred because it requires step-by-step configuration and structuring.

WhaTap log monitoring is easy to apply. Because the previous monitoring agent acts as a collector, the log monitoring can be started simply by turning on the agent option.

  • It directly collects the logs that are forwarded to the log library of your Java application rather than reading the output file.

  • Because the logs are collected directly, it does not cause file I/O so the performance impact on the system is very low.

  • You can check logs from the transaction traces by obtaining the connection traceability for transaction traces and logs.


Java log library

Representative Java log libraries are Apache Log4j and Logback.


They are available in Java Agent 2.1.1 or later.

Applying the log monitoring

The application method according to the used application is as follows. Before application of Log Monitoring, check the supported version.

  1. Check the version of the supported agent and perform update.

  2. Set the options for Log Monitoring.

  3. Enable the log monitoring.