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User count

It collects the numbers of users connected to the Go web application server.

  • trace_user_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Set whether or not to aggregate real-time users. If you set the value to true, it traces users based on the IP address or cookies.

  • trace_user_using_ip Boolean

    Default true

    Set it when classifying real-time users by the IP address. This data can be found in Real Time User. If the value is false, users are identified based on the cookie name in the trace_user_cookie_keys option.

  • trace_user_cookie_keys String

    Use the value that corresponds to the cookie key as the user identification value. With comma (,) as the delimiter, multiple values can be set.

  • trace_user_header_ticket Boolean

    Default false

    To identify users based on a specific value in the HTTP header, set the HTTP key to use. If the HTTP key cannot be found, users are identified based on the cookie.


    This cannot be applied together with the trace_user_using_ip option.

  • trace_user_set_cookie Boolean

    Default false

    To identify users, the user identification values are set as WHATAP key names in cookies. Set it when the trace_user_header_ticket option has been set and the header key cannot be found. If the HTTP key cannot be found, users are identified based on the cookie.


    This cannot be applied together with the trace_user_using_ip option.

  • trace_http_client_ip_header_key String

    Default X-Forwarded-For

    This function sets the client IP (remote IP) with a specific HTTP header value. In the proxy environment, the X-Forwarded-For header can be set with the client IP.

  • trace_http_client_ip_header_key_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is false, the HTTP Header is ignored and the client IP is set as the remote IP value.