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Agent Log

When the application server runs, it starts collecting the monitoring data. The collected data is stored in the log file.

Log setting

log_keep_days Day

Default 7

Set the retention period of log files.

Setting the LogSink

It is used to log data.

Default settings

  • logsink_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    If the value is true, the log data is collected.

  • logsink_zip_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    If the value is true, the zipped log data is transmitted. The default value is GZIP.

Setting the log file

  • logsink.files String

    You can set the full path and file name of the log file to be collected. To set multiple files, use comma (,) as the delimiter.


See the following example and then apply the agent settings for your environment.

logsink.files=/etc/httpd/logs/error_log, /etc/httpd/logs/access_log

You can use any variable in date format in log file names. Apply it based on the use of the Python strftime().

e.g. 20240101: %Y%m%d


This function is supported in Go agent 0.3.2 or later.