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Configuration for each library

It guides you to the agent configuration for each Go library.

  • grpc_profile_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Set whether or not to collect the Google Remote Call (gRPC) data.

  • grpc_profile_stream_client_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Set whether or not to collect the client stream methods.

  • grpc_profile_stream_server_enabled Boolean

    Default true

    Set whether or not to collect the server stream methods.

  • grpc_profile_ignore_method String

    It does not collect the method for the set value. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.

  • grpc_profile_stream_method String

    It organizes the set stream method as a separate transaction. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter. For long keeping stream connections, each method call is treated as a single transaction. You can search by the full method in the hitmap and transaction search.

  • grpc_profile_stream_identify Boolean

    Default false

    The stream full method is collected as a transaction name, and a prefix that can distinguish the client and server for the same full method is added.

    grpc_profile_stream_identify=/StreamClient/[full method], /StreamServer/[full method]