You can upload any collected data from the WhaTap project. Focus can be used even if the default agent has not been installed for the project.
Checking the project access key and collection server IP
In Management > Agent Installation for the selected project, check the project code, collection server IP, and project access key.
- Linux Shell
- Windows Powershell
export WHATAP_LICENSE=xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx
export WHATAP_HOST=xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
export WHATAP_PCODE=xxx
Adding specific tags for filtering
You can set specific strings as tags for filtering. Through the settings, you can filter the data collected from the WhaTap monitoring service screen by the name and value for the tag.
- Linux Shell
- Windows Powershell
# -tag.[User tag key name][Blank][User tag value]
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-tag.CustomTagName CustomTagValue \
-tag.MyServer1 server_01 \
# -tag.[User tag key name][Blank][User tag value]
.\focus.exe -license $WHATAP_LICENSE `
-tag.CustomTagName CustomTagValue `
-tag.MyServer1 server_01 `
Sending alerts
Custom alerts can be sent immediately. After sending an alert, the Focus is ended.
- Linux Shell
- Windows Powershell
#Select a severity of the alert.
#Alert title
title=Desired alert title
#Alert body
message=Desired alert body
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-alert -level $level -title $title -message $message
#Select a severity of the alert.
#Alert title
$title="Desired alert title"
#Alert body
$message=Desired alert body
.\focus.exe -license $WHATAP_LICENSE `
-alert -level $level -title $title -message $message
Collecting the SQL query result
It collects the execution results of custom SQL queries in time series indefinitely.
- Linux Shell
- Windows Powershell
#Metric category
#Database driver
#Database connection info
#Sql Query
sqlquery="select some, columns from sometable"
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-category $category \
-rdb $driver -rdb.connect $dburl \
-rdb.sql $sqlquery
#Metric category
#Database driver
#Database connection info
#Sql Query
$sqlquery="select some, columns from sometable"
.\focus.exe -license $WHATAP_LICENSE `
-category $CATEGORY `
-rdb $driver -rdb.connect $dburl `
-rdb.sql $sqlquery
Collecting the keyword matching logs of the log file
If a keyword is included when a log occurs in the specified text log file, the log line is collected.
- Linux Shell
- Windows Powershell
#Metric category
#Log file
LOG_FILE=Log file path
#Delimiter to use between keywords when entering multiple log keywords
#Enter log keywords by using the delimiter (,).
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-category $category \
-tail $LOG_FILE \
-tail.keys $LOG_KEYWORDS \
#Metric category
#Log file
LOG_FILE=Log file path
#Delimiter to use between keywords when entering multiple log keywords
#Enter log keywords by using the delimiter
.\focus.exe -license $WHATAP_LICENSE `
-category $CATEGORY `
-tail $LOG_FILE `
-tail.keys $LOG_KEYWORDS `
WhaTap log analyzing service
When a log occurs in the specified text log file, it is uploaded in real time to the WhaTap log analysis service.
- Linux Shell
- Windows Powershell
#Can include the log file wildcard (*) and date pattern (
LOG_FILE=log file path
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-category $category \
-logsink $LOG_FILE
#Can include the log file wildcard (*) and date pattern (
$LOG_FILE=log file path
.\focus.exe -license $WHATAP_LICENSE `
-category $CATEGORY `
-logsink $LOG_FILE
Collecting the OS resource usage
It collects the resource usage of the server on which Focus is running.
#Metric category
#Whether or not to enable the disk monitoring
#Disk mount to monitor
#Whether or not to enable the NIC monitoring
#NIC to monitor
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-category $category \
-sys \
-sys.disk.enabled $diskenabled \
-sys.disk $diskmount \ $nicenabled \ $nic
Collecting results of running the temporary programs and scripts
It runs programs and scripts and continuously collects results to stdout. WhaTap Focus collects the keys and values of the dictionary when any value is input to stdin in the json dictionary format. Because the pipe is to be used as an input method, it is required to disable buffering.
- For continuous collection instead of one-time collection, you can apply the following option.
- To specify the collection time, you can enter it with the following option.
-now {unix epoch time(second)}
#Metric category
Program or script | \
Reprocessing in the json format | \
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-category $category \
The following example executes the top command to continuously collect the CPU and memory usage of a specific process.
#Metric category
export PID=PID of the process to collect
top -b -p $PID | awk '/'$PID'/{ printf "{\"pid\": %s, \"cpuPercent\": %s, \"memoryPercent\": %s, \"cmd\": \"%s\"}\n",$1, $9, $10, $12}; system("")' | \
./focus -license $WHATAP_LICENSE \
-category $CATEGORY