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Log FAQs

Check out frequently asked questions from users about the WhaTap log monitoring service.

Restoration of the original log

Can I recover the original logs after collecting them?

The function to restore the original logs is not provided. Currently, log collection is provided for analysis, not for security.

Log data deletion cycle

What is the log data deletion cycle?

It is the same as Data retention set in Log Configuration. However, because the loaded log retention period is in hours, data may remain for 1 hour in addition to the setting in Data retention.


If Data retention has not been set, the default value is 1 day. For more information about the setting in Data retention, see the following.

Agent logs transmission cycle

What is the log transmission cycle from the agent?

Logs are sent when the agent's log buffer capacity (64 KB) or transmission cycle (2 seconds) is reached. It is compressed in a zip file and transmitted during network transmission, and is decompressed and stored when received from the collection server.

Integrating with third-party log solutions

Can it integrate with other log solutions?

Currently, integration with third-party log solutions is not provided.