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Support Environment

.NET agent support environment

Before installing the agent, check the support environment for .NET framework applications.

  • Support versions

    • .NET Framework 4.5 to 4.8 (4.61 or later recommended)
    • .NET 6, 7, 8
  • OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 or later

  • Application Server: IIS 8.0 or later

  • Library

    • WebClient/WebRequest

    • HttpClient/HttpClientHandler

    • ASP.NET MVC 5 (IIS)

    • ASP.NET Web API 2 (IIS)

    • ADO.NET (Database)

  • Database: All databases and Radis that support ADO.NET such as MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, etc.

How to analyze the server support environment

Downloading the analysis tools

If you are not familiar with the supported environment of the server to install the agent on, download the analysis tools through the following links.

Using the analysis tools

  1. Run the downloaded analysis tools.

    WhaTap System information scanner

  2. In the number 1 Caption area, check whether the Windows server version is 2008 R2 or later.

  3. In Number 2 IIS Version and .NET Framework Version, check for IIS 8.0 or later and .NET Framework 4.5 or later.

Checking the user's application version

IIS Manager

In IIS Manager, click Application Pools. In the Application Pools list, check that .NET of the pool for your available application is the version 4.0.

Common supported environment

Supporting the browser

WhaTap Monitoring is available in web browsers and mobile Apps.

BrowserRecommended?Supported version
Google Chrome84 or later
Mozilla FireFoxLatest version
EdgeLatest version
SafariLatest version
  • Due to browser compatibility and performance issues, it is recommended to use the latest version of Chrome.
  • The user interface (UI) is implemented with HTML5 technology and is not supported by Internet Explorer.


The WhaTap agent must access the collection server's TCP 6600 port. Allow the collection server address near what you are monitoring.

Source: WhaTap agent

DestinationDestination IPPort
WhaTap collection server (Seoul) / 6600
WhaTap collection server (Tokyo) / 6600
WhaTap collection server (Singapore) / 6600
WhaTap collection server (Mumbai) / 6600
WhaTap collection server (California) / 6600
WhaTap collection server (Frankfurt) / 6600

If the agent cannot directly access the collection server, use the provided proxy module to access it.


Mobile app

The WhaTap mobile app supports both Android and iOS environments. You can install the app by moving to the following link or scanning the QR code. For more information about the mobile app, see the following.

iOS 12 or later
Android 5.0 or later