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Quick installation and troubleshooting

During installation of agent

For agent installation, see the following from project creation to monitoring activation. After installation of the agent, IIS restarts.

In case of use of Windows Server 2008 or .NET version lower than 4.6.1

For the WhaTap .NET agent, it is recommended to use Windows Server 2012 or .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later. If you are using a lower version, use the installer from the following link.

After installation of agent


Delivery of errors and logs

  • When an error occurs, send us captured images of the error or the corresponding text.

  • Send us the agent's log file. The log file can be found in the following path. If there is no corresponding error, the folder may not exist.

    • C:\Program Files\WhaTap .NET\logs

    • C:\ProgramData\WhaTap

In case of no collection of data

no monitoring data collection

If all data is not collected properly in Application Dashboard as shown in the example, check the following.

  • Make sure the access key and collection server information are entered correctly.

  • Check the firewall configuration of the server. The outbound 6600 port must be open.

In case of no collection of hitmap data

no hitmap data collection

If the hitmaps are not collected properly as shown in the example, check whether the target application is in the supported environment. For the supported environment, see the following.

In case it is in the supported environment or difficult to check the environment

  • Send us the web.config file of the target application.

  • Send us the project file (*.csproj) of the target application.

  • You can use AI to check if the environment supports the .NET agent through the following link.


If the error is not resolved using the methods above, send us the detailed debugging information. The debugging data collection procedure is as follows:

  1. Download and run the monitoring program (UdpMonitor.exe) from the following link.

  2. Download and install the agent for debugging from the following link.

  3. Generate the transaction.

  4. If you generated sufficient transactions, end UdpMonitor.exe.

  5. UdpMonitor.txt is created in the same folder as UdpMonitor.exe.

  6. Send the UdpMonitor.txt file to the person in charge.

  7. If debugging is completed, remove the agent for debugging.

Monitoring the WCF and officially unsupported libraries

To monitor the libraries that are not officially supported by the WhaTap .NET agent, such as Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), see the following instructions.


Extensive settings may cause excessive traffic.

Configuration options

  • webservice_method_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    If the value is set to true, the web services can be traced.


    After changing the option, you must restart IIS for the changes to take effect.

  • webservice_method_prefix String

    Enter the namespace and class name where the method to trace has been defined in the value.

    • When you enter the name of the class to which the method belongs, all public methods within the class become the targets to trace.

    • The methods that meet the conditions are not using the web service, they become the targets to trace. This option is designed for the WCF and web service monitoring but can be used for various purposes.


    After changing the option, you must restart IIS for the changes to take effect.

  • webservice_method_timeout Milliseconds

    Default 5000

    If the monitored method is not completed within a specific time, a timeout is automatically set. The default value is 5 seconds (5000ms).

Usage examples

whatap.conf modification

license= ## access key
app_name= ## application name
OID= ## agent ID

webservice_method_prefix=Whatap.Service.Controller, Whatap.DotNet.Examples.Service1
  • Because you specified the call path of the namespace-included method to be traced with the webservice_method_prefix option, the start and end of the function is treated as transactions if one of the following occurs:

    • Whatap.Service.Controller

    • Whatap.DotNet.Examples.Service1

  • Because webservice_method_timeout has been set to 10000 ms, transactions that take more than 10 seconds are automatically terminated.


The settings can be changed through the Management > Agent CONFIG. menu as follows:


WCF source code

The following is an example of WCF source code to be monitored.

namespace Whatap.DotNet.Examples
public class Service1 : IService1
public string GetData(int value)

public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)

private string getFromDB()

private string getFromHttp()

public class Service2 : IService1

public class Service3 : IService1
public string IwantToSeeOnlyThis(int value)
  • GetData

    The GetData() method belongs to the Whatap.DotNet.Examples.Service1 class. Because it is a public method, it becomes the target to be monitored. This method is processed as a transaction because it is included in the value specified in the webservice_method_prefix option of the configuration file. The call path for the method is as follows:


  • GetDataUsingDataContract

    The GetDataUsingDataContract() method is to be monitored because it is a public method. The call path for the method is as follows:


  • The getFromDB() and getFromHttp() methods are excluded from monitoring because they are private methods.

  • If you add Whatap.DotNet.Examples.Service3 to the webservice_method_prefix option, the public method IwantToSeeOnlyThis() may become a monitoring target.

In case it is difficult to find the namespace and class name

If you have difficulty finding the namespace in which your WCF server's methods have been defined, you can use the following method to find the namespace and class name.

  1. Download the GetNamesapces.exe file from the following link.

  2. Run the GetNamesapces.exe file by sending the web application's folder path as a parameter as follows.

    C:...\> GetNamesapces.exe C:\inetpub
  3. After execution is completed, all dll files in the folder and its subfolders are scanned and the list of namespaces and class names is output.


If it is difficult to apply the results, run GetNamesapces.exe and send the GetNamesapces.txt file created in the same folder to the person in charge.