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Transaction means the logical unit of work (LUW) on the server side for processing a user browser request. The process for an individual web service (URL) request is a transaction. A transaction in a web application is the process from receiving an HTTP request for a web service (URL) to returning a response.

The performance of the application can be summarized as the performance of these transactions. Transaction performance includes information such as transaction start-to-end time, response time, resource usage, or attributes of the transaction caller.

Basically, the transaction performance can be analyzed through the response distribution and statistics.

Transaction Tracing

The following agent options allow you to trace the execution paths of each transaction for applications in detail.

  • trace_active_transaction_slow_time Millisecond

    Default 3000

    In the active transaction arc equalizer graph on the dashboard that checks collected data, specify the criteria for the transaction response time that can be recorded as a slow section. If the transaction response time exceeds the set time, the number of slow active transactions is included.

  • trace_active_transaction_very_slow_time Millisecond

    Default 8000

    In the active transaction arc equalizer graph on the dashboard that checks collected data, specify the criteria for the transaction response time that can be recorded as a very slow section. If the transaction response time exceeds the set time, the number of very slow active transactions is included.

  • trace_active_transaction_lost_time Millisecond

    Default 300000

    Timeout waiting for a transaction to end. If a transaction does not end within 5 minutes, no further transaction data is collected. You can see Lost Connection in the transaction trace information.

  • prepend_app_pool_name Boolean

    Default false

    If the option value is set to true, the full name of the application appears before the URL of the transaction.

  • trace_db_command_methods String

    Enter the name of the method to monitor in the System.Data.Common.DbCommand class. To set multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter. To monitor all methods, apply as follows:

    trace_db_command_methods=ExecuteReader, ExecuteReaderAsync, ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteNonQueryAsync, ExecuteScalar, ExecuteScalarAsync

Exceptional handling

The following options are used to manage and monitor exceptions that occur in applications. You can check the stability of applications by registering business exceptions and collecting related statistics. You can also set whether to ignore specific exceptions or treat them as errors if the HTTP status code is an error. Exception-handled items appear as normal transactions in the Hitmap or Trace analysis window.

  • transaction_status_error_enable Boolean

    Default true

    If an HTTP status code that is not a normal response such as HTTP 401 or 403, is returned, set whether or not to handle it as an error.

  • status_ignore String

    You can set the HTTP status codes to ignore. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.

    # example

    Ignore status error/Hitmap display level: Excludes the INFO (blue)/error statistics.

  • status_ignore_set String

    whatap.error.STATUS_ERROR is ignored. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.

    # example

    Ignore status error set/Hitmap display level: Excludes the INFO (blue)/error statistics.

  • httpc_status_error_enable Boolean

    Default true

    Set whether or not to collect when the HTTP status code is an error. It includes client error responses (400 or higher) and server error responses (500 or higher).


    For more information about the HTTP status codes, see the following.

  • httpc_status_ignore String

    If the HTTP status code is an error (HTTPC_ERROR), it can be ignored. When listing multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.


    Ignore HTTP status error code/Exclude error statistics

  • httpc_status_ignore_set String

    whatap.error.HTTPC_ERROR is ignored. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.

    Set it as httpc_status_ignore_set=/a/b/c:400,/a/ab/c:404. In Statistics/Error Analysis, enter the value for HTTPC_URL.


    Ignore HTTP status error code/Exclude error statistics

HTTP transaction tracing

The following agent options trace and record various data related to HTTP requests and responses. This allows you to closely monitor and analyze the HTTP transactions for applications. You can add parameter values ​​to the transaction names or exclude specific URLs or HTTP methods. You can also record transactions in detail, including HTTP headers and parameters.

  • profile_http_parameter_keys String

    Only the parameters corresponding to the set key are recorded. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.

  • profile_http_header_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    To record HTTP headers in the trace details, set it to true.

  • profile_http_parameter_enabled Boolean

    Default false

    To record HTTP parameters in the trace details, set this to true. Parameters can be viewed by entering a separate security key.


    Set the security key to 6 digits in '%PROGRAMFILES%'\WhaTap .NET\paramkey.txt of the WAS server. If paramkey.txt does not exist, it is automatically generated as a random value.

  • profile_http_parameter_url_prefix String

    It is used to define the prefix of URL to record HTTP parameters in the trace details.

  • profile_http_body_url_prefix String

    It is used to define the prefix of the target URL to record the HTTP body information in the trace history.

  • trace_ignore_url_set String

    It sets URLs to exclude from transaction tracing. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.


    The URLs registered through this option are excluded from the Hitmap, Trace analysis, or Transaction information window for collection.

  • trace_ignore_url_prefix String

    Set the URL prefix for excluding transactions during collection. Any URLs whose prefix matches the set value do not collect the transaction performance. For multiple values, use comma (,) as the delimiter.


    The URLs registered through this option are excluded from the Hitmap, Trace analysis, or Transaction information window for collection.