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SQL Statistics

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Statistics are created based on the SQL execution count, execution time, and waiting time within the active sessions collected by the agent, and a list of top SQLs for the search period is provided. It provides a basis for analyzing frequently performed SQL performance through the average and maximum execution time.

  • execute count: Execution count of the SQL

  • elapse sum (sec): Total execution time (secs) of the SQL

  • elapse avg (sec): Average execution time (sec) of the SQL. It is the result of elapse sum/execute count.

  • elapse max (sec): Maximum execution time (sec) of the SQL

  • elapse wait (sec): Total waiting time (sec) of the SQL
  • instance: Instance name

SQL Statistics function creates statistics based on the SQL that excludes literal values.

Basic screen guide

SQL statistics

  1. In number 1 Time, select the time and date to view the data. You can select a lookup time after selecting the green button.

  2. In number 1 Instance, select a target to view the data.

  3. Select Search icon.

The top 50 entries appear in the table.

  • You can filter the desired content by entering a SQL parameter value in the Filter field.

  • The default sort order is execute count. To change the sort order, select a desired criterion from the Sort by list.

  • To download the viewed data as a CSV file, select csv Download icon.

Checking the query-based execution trend

To classify and view data by usage category, select the desired tab from number2.

On the utmost left for each item of the table, select number3 ►. A chart appears that displays the number of executions every 5 minutes and the average execution time of the query statement. If you hover your mouse over each bar graph, you can see the number of that time.


If you select a bar graph for the desired time in the graph chart, the Counts Trend menu appears. You can see the metrics for the selected time. For more information about Counts Trend, see the following.

Previewing the query

Query preview

You can preview the query statement by moving the mouse pointer to the sql column in the search results list.

See details

If you select sql from the searched result list, the SQL details window appears.

SQL details

  • View SQL Statistics: You can go to the SQL statistics menu where you can check statistical information related to the SQL query statement.

Filtering the searched results

Adding the filter conditions

You can perform a search by filtering by SQL text, agent name, DB user name, and the like.

Adding conditions

  1. In the Filter option, select .

  2. In Filter key, select a desired filtering criteria.

    • If the value of the selected item is text, you can select any of Includes (blue) and Excludes (red).

      Condition color

    • If the value of the selected item is number, you can select any condition of == (equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), and <= (less than or equal to).

  3. In Condition, select a condition.

  4. Enter a string or number to match the condition.

  5. Select Apply.

  • To add filtering conditions, select Add and then repeat Step 1 to 5. Added conditions are applied based on AND (&&).

  • To delete some items while adding conditions, select Delete icon on the right of the filter conditions. To delete all conditions, select Delete icon Delete All.

  • To quickly delete the conditions applied to the Filter option, select .

  • The default setting is to exclude if sqlText contains 'WhaTap'.


Modifying the filter conditions

Edit filter

Click any applied to the Filter option. If the Edit filter window appears, modify any desired items and then select Apply.

Setting the table columns

You can hide the table header columns or add any of them. You can also change the column order. Select Column icon.

Column Settings

  • After configuration, select Confirm to apply the settings in the table.

  • In the number 3 search bar, enter text to search the desired columns. Only the columns that meet the entered text are displayed.

Adding columns

From the Number 1 list, select the items to add as table header columns. To select all items, select Select All.

Deleting columns

From the number 1 list, unselect the columns to delete. Alternatively, select Delete icon on the right of the item to delete from the number 2 list.

Changing the column order

Drag an item to reposition from the number 2 list, and then move it to the desired position.

Initializing the configuration

To cancel all changes and reset them, select Reset icon Initialized.