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Browser metrics

It describes the metrics that are collected by Browser Monitoring. They can be searched in Metrics search.


For the page load time metric, Navigation Timing value is queried in the Performance API. The page load searching proceeds as shown in the following figure.

The page load's response time covers up to the loadEventEnd point.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
page_load_backend_timemillisecondAverage processing time in the backend area during page loadTime elapsed from startTime to responseEnd
page_load_frontend_timemillisecondAverage processing time in the frontend area during page loadTime elapsed from domInteractive to loadEventEnd
page_load_redirect_timemillisecondAverage amount of redirection time spent by the browser when loading web pagesTime elapsed from redirectStart to redirectEnd
page_load_cache_timemillisecondAverage time spent by a browser to search cached resources while loading web pagesTime elapsed from fetchStart to domainLookupStart
page_load_dns_timemillisecondAverage time spent by a browser to look up website domains while loading web pagesTime elapsed from domainLookupStart to domainLookupEnd
page_load_connect_timemillisecondAverage amount of network connection time to the server spent by the browserTime elapsed from connectStart to connectEnd
page_load_ssl_timemillisecondAverage TCP handshake time spent by a browser when loading web pagesTime elapsed from secureConnectionStart to connectEnd
page_load_firstbyte_timemillisecondAverage time spent from the browser sending network requests while fetching web pages to the first byte receptions from the serverTime elapsed from requestStart to responseStart
page_load_download_timemillisecondAverage time spent for a browser to download resources from the server while loading web pagesTime elapsed from responseStart to responseEnd
page_load_domcontentloaded_timemillisecondAverage time for a web page to render its initial content and become interactiveTime elapsed from domContentLoadedEventStart to domContentLoadedEventEnd
page_load_domload_timemillisecondAverage time for a web page to load all resources, finish rendering, and become interactiveTime elapsed from loadEventStart to loadEventEnd
page_load_render_timemillisecondAverage time spent rendering resources downloaded from the server to the screen and completing page load eventsTime elapsed from domInteractive to ** domComplete**
page_load_event_timemillisecondAverage time for the load event to complete as measured by the browserTime elapsed from the start to loadEventEnd
page_load_durationmillisecondAverage time taken by the browser to fully load a web pageTime to complete additional interactions after loadEventEnd, page load completion time measured by the browser agent
page_load_countCountPage Load Count-


Metric related to page loads for each browser

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-
browser_nameBrowser name-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
page_load_countCountPage Load Count-
page_load_durationmillisecondAverage time taken by the browser to fully load a web page-


Metric related to page loads for each device

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-
device_nameDevice name-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
page_load_countCountPage Load Count-
page_load_durationmillisecondAverage time taken by the browser to fully load a web page-


Metric related to page loads for each OS

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-
device_nameDevice name-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
page_load_countCountPage Load Count-
page_load_durationmillisecondAverage time taken by the browser to fully load a web page-


Metric related to the events that occur when pages change in a single-page application

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-
completed_loadingWhether a page change completes or notPage change is not complete and appears as false when switching to another page


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
router_change_countCountSPA page change count-
router_change_timemillisecondAverage time taken to fully change pages-


Metric related to the response time of a resource called from a web page

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-
is3rdPartyWhether the resource is called from a third partyIf the domain of the web page is different from the domain of the called resource, true is passed.
request_hostURL host of the resource-
request_pathURL path of the resource-
typeResource typecss, image, script, etc.


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
resource_dns_timemillisecondAverage time spent by a browser to look up website domains while loading web pagesTime elapsed from domainLookupStart to domainLookupEnd
resource_connect_timemillisecondAverage amount of network connection time to the server spent by the browserTime elapsed from connectStart to connectEnd
resource_ttfb_timemillisecondAverage time spent from the browser sending network requests while fetching web pages to the first byte receptions from the serverTime elapsed from requestStart to responseStart
resource_download_timemillisecondAverage time spent for a browser to download resources from the server while loading web pagesTime elapsed from responseStart to responseEnd
resource_durationmillisecondAverage time taken by the browser to fully load a web pageTime to complete additional interactions after loadEventEnd, page load completion time measured by the browser agent
page_load_countCountPage Load Count-
resource_sizeByteResource size-


Metric related to the AJAX response time and response status code

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-
request_hostHost of the AJAX request URL-
request_pathPath of the AJAX request URL-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
ajax_1xx_countCountNumber of AJAX cases with the response status code between 100 and 200-
ajax_2xx_countCountNumber of AJAX cases with the response status code between 200 and 300-
ajax_3xx_countCountNumber of AJAX cases with the response status code between 300 and 400-
ajax_4xx_countCountNumber of AJAX cases with the response status code between 400 and 500-
ajax_5xx_countCountNumber of AJAX cases with the response status code of 500 or higher-
ajax_countCountAJAX Count-
ajax_durationmillisecondAverage response time for AJAX requests-
ajax_fail_countCountNumber of failed AJAX requests-


This is the metric related to errors from the browser.

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-
browserBrowser name-
deviceDevice name-
osOS name-
error_messageError Message-
error_typeError Type-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
error_countCountError Count-


Metric related to the core web vitals

  • Collection interval: 5 seconds

  • Statistical data: 5 minutes, 1 hour


Tag nameDescriptionRemarks
page_groupPage Group-


Field nameUnitDescriptionRemarks
web_vitals_clsmillisecondAverage time for the largest content on the website to load-
web_vitals_fidmillisecondAverage time for a website to be loaded and for the browser to respond after a first input-
web_vitals_lcpPositive numberScore that indicates how often the layout changes while the website is being loaded-