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Deleting AWS resources

To completely delete AWS resources used by your AWS Log project, delete the following three types of resources.

  • AWS resources created by CloudFormation
  • Subscription filters added to CloudWatch LogGroup
  • Event Notifications added to S3 Bucket

Deleting AWS resources created by CloudFormation

Deleting cloudformation resources

  1. Select CloudFormation on the AWS console.

  2. Select a stack to delete.

  3. Select Delete to delete all resources created by Stack.

Deleting subscription filters from CloudWatch LogGroup

Deleting subscription filters

  1. Select CloudWatch on the AWS console.

  2. Find the subscribed LogGroup.

  3. Select the number1 Subscription filters tab of LogGroup.

  4. From the number2 Subscription filters list, select your subscription settings.

  5. Select number3 Delete for deletion.

Deleting event notifications from the S3 bucket

Deleting event notifications

  1. Select S3 on the AWS console.

  2. Find the subscribed S3 bucket.

  3. Go to the number1 Properties tab of Buckets.

  4. Select number2 Event notifications content set in the Properties tab.

  5. Select number3 Delete for deletion.