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WhaTap Amazon ECS Monitoring collects resource usage for each Docker container in real time via the META API and Cgroup directory. It retrieves and collects the status of Amazon ECS service, deployment, and container's instance through the WhaTap tasks linked with the Amazon ECS API.

To use the WhaTap monitoring service, after signing up Sign up, create a project. For more information about registration, see the following.



Edit role is required for installation.

Project Creation

Create a project before installing the agent.

  1. Log in WhaTap monitoring service.

  2. To create a project, on the left of the screen, select All Projects > + Project.

  3. Select a product in Select product for installation.

  4. Set items for Project name, Data server region, Time zone, and more in order.

  5. In Notification language setting, select the language for alert messages.

  6. After all settings are finished, select Creating a project.

  • A Data server region refers to a region (a bundle of data centers installed to provide cloud services). Selecting a specific region stores your data in the datacenter that belongs to that region.

  • Time zone is the reference time for generating alerts and reports.

  • To group multiple projects for management, select a group from Project groups or add a group. For more information about grouping, see the following.
  • To add a project with an organization selected, Groups of organization must be set.

After creating a project, you can install items in Management > Agent Installation. See the installation guide to proceed with installation.

Checking the project access key

Project access key is the unique ID for activating the WhaTap services.

In the installation guide section, select Getting the access key. After automatic reception of project access key, proceed to the next step.


After a project has been created, the Agent installation page appears automatically. If the Agent installation does not appear, select All projects on the left and then select a newly created project.


Project access key

If you have already been granted a project access key, the key appears instead of the button.

Preliminary inspection


    For more information about installation, see the following.

  • Amazon ECS CLI

    For more information about installation, see the following.

  • Python 2.x/3.x

    For analysis of the json documents by the script, installation is required.

  • After downloading the WhaTap image (whatap/ecs_mon) for installation, it is recommended to register it in the user registry.
  • The 6600 port must be open to send data to the WhaTap server.

Supported Platforms & Products

Items are distinguished depending on the launch type of Amazon ECS. Monitoring targets are task, service, deployment, and container instance.

  • EC2 Launch Type: Task, Service, Deployment, Container Instance


  • Fargate Launch Type: Task, Service, Deployment

    ECS Fargate Sidecar

The following monitoring procedures are also divided into the procedure for EC2 Launch Type monitoring and the procedure for Fargate Launch Type monitoring.


For more information about the Amazon ECS launch types, see the following.

Monitoring procedure

ecs install

  • By referencing the installation guide section number-s tab, release the WhaTap Amazon ECS agent through the dedicated task or sidecar.

  • By referencing the installation guide section number-s tab, start the WhaTap monitoring service by enabling the monitoring service.

EC2 Launch Type

  1. If you have created a project and then checked the Preliminary inspection, go to the installation guide section under Management > Agent Installation.

  2. number-s In the Create Task tab, select EC2 Launch Type.

  3. Run the following script to create daemon type tasks. Add CLUSTER and REGION and then set ACCESSKEY and WHATAP_HOST to communicate with the collection server.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    export ACCESSKEY=x4u5j20mdbj98-x3btmtjfhffmrc-z6ogidu7vm3shg
    export WHATAP_HOST=
    export CLUSTER=xxxx
    export REGION=xxxx
    export LAUNCH_TYPE=EC2

    cat >whatap_ecs.json <<EOL
    { "containerDefinitions": [ {
    "name": "whatap-node-agent",
    "image": "whatap/ecs_mon",
    "cpu": 100,
    "memory": 50,
    "essential": true,
    "mountPoints": [{
    "containerPath": "/var/run/docker.sock",
    "sourceVolume": "docker_sock",
    "readOnly": true},{
    "containerPath": "/rootfs",
    "sourceVolume": "rootfs",
    "readOnly": true}],
    "environment": [{
    "name": "ACCESSKEY",
    "value": "$ACCESSKEY"
    "name": "WHATAP_HOST",
    "value": "$WHATAP_HOST"}
    "linuxParameters": {
    "capabilities": {
    "add": [
    "requiresCompatibilities": ["EC2"],
    "volumes": [{
    "host": {"sourcePath": "/var/run/docker.sock"},
    "name": "docker_sock"},{
    "host": {"sourcePath": "/"},
    "name": "rootfs"}],
    "family": "whatap-agent-task"}


    aws ecs register-task-definition \
    --cli-input-json file://$(pwd)/whatap_ecs.json \
    --region $REGION
    aws ecs create-service --cluster $CLUSTER \
    --service-name whatap-node-agent \
    --task-definition whatap-agent-task \
    --scheduling-strategy DAEMON \
    --launch-type $LAUNCH_TYPE \
    --region $REGION
    • The following are the items required to run the script.

      • ACCESSKEY (WhaTap project access key)

      • WHATAP_HOST (WhaTap collection region IP)

      • REGION (AWS Region)

      • CLUSTER (ECS Cluster)

Fargate Launch Type

  1. If you have created a project and then checked the Preliminary inspection, go to the installation guide section under Management > Agent Installation.

  2. number-s In the Create Task tab, select Fargate Launch Type.

    • Run the script to create the AWS ECS API Readonly IAM role.


      It is required for the WhaTap task to query the ECS service and collect service status in real time.

    • The following are the items required to run the script.

      • ACCESSKEY (WhaTap project access key)
      • WHATAP_HOST (WhaTap collection region IP; multiple IPs are connected with /)
      • REGION (AWS Region)
      • PROFILE (ECS Profile)
      • CLUSTER (ECS Cluster)
      • CLUSTER_CONFIG (ECS Cluster Config)
      • TASK_EXECUTION_ROLE (Executing the WhaTap agent's ECS task)
      • SUBNET_1 (WhaTap agent's Task SUBNET#1)
      • SUBNET_2 (WhaTap agent's Task SUBNET#2)
      • SGGRP (WhaTap agent's Task Security Group)
    • See the following example:

      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      export REGION=xxxxx
      export WHATAP_ECS_ROLE_READONLY=WhatapEcsReadonly
      export WHATAP_ECS_POLICY_READONLY=WhatapEcsReadonly
      cat >ecs_trust.json <<EOL
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
      "Sid": "",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
      "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
      aws iam create-role --role-name $WHATAP_ECS_ROLE_READONLY --assume-role-policy-document file://ecs_trust.json | python -c 'import json,sys;print(json.load(sys.stdin)["Role"]["Arn"])' > role_arn.txt
      cat >ecs_readonly.json <<EOL
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      aws iam --region $REGION create-policy --policy-name $WHATAP_ECS_POLICY_READONLY \
      --policy-document file://ecs_readonly.json | python -c 'import json,sys;print(json.load(sys.stdin)["Policy"]["Arn"])' > policy_arn.txt
      export POLICY_ARN=$(cat policy_arn.txt)
      aws iam --region $REGION attach-role-policy --role-name $WHATAP_ECS_ROLE_READONLY \
      --policy-arn $POLICY_ARN
  3. Start the whatap-single agent with the created IAM ROLE. Service status is collected in real time by using the ECS API.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    export ACCESSKEY=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
    export PROFILE=xxxxx
    export REGION=xxxxx
    export CLUSTER=xxxxx
    export CLUSTER_CONFIG=xxxx
    export TASK_EXECUTION_ROLE=xxxx
    export SUBNET_1=xxxx
    export SUBNET_2=xxxx
    export SGGRP=xxxx
    export WHATAP_ECS_ROLE_READONLY=WhatapEcsReadonly
    export PROJNAME=whatap-monitoring
    export WHATAP_ROLE_ARN=$(cat role_arn.txt)

    cat >docker-compose.yml <<EOL
    version: '3'
    image: whatap/ecs_mon

    cat >ecs-params.yml <<EOL
    version: 1
    task_execution_role: $TASK_EXECUTION_ROLE
    task_role_arn: "$WHATAP_ROLE_ARN"
    ecs_network_mode: awsvpc
    mem_limit: 0.5GB
    cpu_limit: 256
    - "$SUBNET_1"
    - "$SUBNET_2"
    - "$SGGRP"
    assign_public_ip: ENABLED

    ecs-cli compose --project-name $PROJNAME service up \
    --cluster-config $CLUSTER_CONFIG \
    --ecs-profile $PROFILE --region $REGION
  4. Release the WhaTap sidecar agent to the end user task as follows. Add ACCESSKEY and WHATAP_HOST as environment variables to allow communication with the collection server.

    version: '3'
    image: xxxx
    - "xx:xx"
    image: whatap/ecs_mon

Activate monitoring

number-s In the Start Monitoring tab, select Activate monitoring to start the monitoring service.

  • Enabling the monitoring service

    Activating monitoring

  • Disabling the monitoring service

    Monitoring cannot be activated

Precautions upon removal

To completely avoid incurring costs, delete the following items:

  • ECS Service: whatap-ecs-agent

  • Task Sidecar: whatap-ecs-agent

  • Role: WhatapEcsReadonly